Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Site Survey Summary 08

Site seven is at the stream called Douglas Creek. The town ship is 23 the range is 23. The reach we are studying is one hundred feet long. Once you read our report you will learn 11 things about site #7.

First we will inform you about the riparian zone. Site seven’s left bank looking down stream is 0-50 ft. wide and it is the same width on the right side of the bank looking down stream. The vegetation covering our site was deciduous, shrubs and trees. Also grass and herbs covered about 50% of our site. We did not have any conifer trees. The over head canopy is 0-25%.

Next the channel will be described for you. The channel is a shape of a flat bottom.
The sites longitudinal pattern is not braided or straight it is meandering.

On our stream bank our vegetation cover was abundant. There was no artificial bank protection. Our bank has three things. First the bank was intact. Second the bank had erosion in some areas. Last the was bank collapsed in so some areas. Finally our reach habitat had a total of five riffles. The total of pools at our site is five. The total of riffle is 50 percent.

In are stream reach there is no dams, no culverts, no pips, no diversion, no storm drains, no Weirs and no litter.

In conclusion you now know a lot of thing about Douglas creek and what you find there.
Thanks for reading our report.

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